One Resolution Only

“I think I’ve tried it all. I have tried making New Year’s resolutions of the kind you’re supposed to do them: Do more exercise. (accomplished). Finish the never ending project in my garage (well, almost). Eat less chocolate (just kidding!)…

While this is entertaining in the beginning and even provides some incentive to do things, there is still that feeling of pointlessness. Why would I need to make such resolutions at the beginning of a new year. Why do I actually have to make resolutions? Could I not just do it without such pompous declaration?

I also tried deliberately not making any resolutions, claiming that I don’t believe in them. I might argue, however, that making the resolution of not making resolutions kind of defeats the object. Maybe I should make resolutions and promise that i will not stick to them?”

We probably leave this philosophical dilemma for Christian to sort. We know that everybody has different ways of motivate themselves. In the meantime we’d rather wish you all a lovely Christmas and and a very happy, if not to say amazing New Year, full of inspiration, passion and love. With or without resolutions, or rather with one one that matters: Make 2013 special.