Elle, Interrupted

Maybe you were wondering how the Elle is doing. After all, you haven’t heard much about the project lately, have you? Well, the sad truth is, neither did we.

When we left the sunny south coast of Great Britain and moved to London, we left the car with a local garage who had experience with car restoration. We went there for the day to day jobs like the MOT for our daily drive, and every time we marvelled at the projects they had going. Particularly the old Maserati Khamsin. In our eyes the most beautiful Gran Turismo ever. Italian design at it’s best. Anyway, with our Elle being almost complete and some some problems with the clutch that we simply couldn’t figure out (but we were sure the experts would) it sounded like a good idea to leave the car with them and they could do it. After all, they did seem good at tinkering.

While that might be true, they were equally good at doing… nothing. And after one year we had a call from them and it was a new owner that was running the garage. He told us that they changed the business model (which we understood… tinkering usually doesn’t make money) and that the Elle was just getting in their way. Bummer!

So now the project moved into a cozy little 20ft container, waiting for better days. And here we are, just about to move to Spain and with the Elle (and a bit of our household) sitting in that container. New problems to resolve. How can we move the car and what can we do once we’re in Valencia? We’re planning to move into the centre where flats with garages are rare as rocking horse droppings. So if anybody knows of a place where we can store the little thing (it’s an unfinished project), please let us know!