
“I just realised that this will be the second post in a row about music. I wonder if there’s a new direction forming or if the yachts are indeed in a crisis…”

As a matter of fact, there isn’t really a crisis (other than the one we’re made to believe every day in the news). We are as busy with yachts as we always are, but sometimes that just doesn’t lead to another post here. Sometimes it’s because we are busy with the ‘bread&butter’ side of the business and sometimes we just can’t tell yet.

In that case, it’s good that life isn’t just about design and work and that there are other events worth writing about. Not just any events, of course, but those that we find ‘relevant’, in other words, inspiring!

So here is one of them. The Cure, in the Royal Albert Hall. 15th of November 2011. According to some sources this is something like a ‘good bye’ tour. Well, Robert Smith and Simon Gallup are over 50 already, so maybe it is indeed time to leave funny hair, make-up and chunky trainers behind? Actually, they don’t sound any different than they did in the 80s…

On the down side, they played the first 3 albums, so favourites like ‘Lullaby’ and ‘Close To Me’ were not included. Also, we had the feeling the audience was rather thirsty: Arriving at their seats with 2 beer, finishing the beer after the 5th song, heading toward the bar (assuming a de-tour via the restrooms) and returning with another beer… you get the picture! On the other hand: They played the (entire) first 3 albums! So, ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ and ‘Lovecats’ were obviously the highlights. And there was a lot of really cool punk and ‘goth’ rock, and some very inspired drums and guitar / base. Sometimes it almost sounded like they were genuinely jamming, which was a delight.

“And I don’t need to mention that it took me back to the times when I had a little radio with tape recorder sitting in front of me on my desk, so I could record while doing my homework. And yes, it had an antenna and you had to press the ‘play’ and ‘record’ button at the same time…”