There’s Nothing Like Bad Weather…

there’s only the question whether or not you have your camera with you. Luckily this hasn’t been such an issue since somebody had the cool idea of putting a camera into a phone. Oh, and the fact that Christian has a camera bag that is actually quite comfortable to carry…

Of course, if you’re living in the United Kingdom you simply have to accept that you’re living in close proximity to the polar circle, that you’re living on a wet rock in the North Sea that should officially be declared uninhabitable most of the year and that can produce all four seasons in a day. On the other hand, we think that not even the indigenous folks are actually used to such conditions. While they stoically pretend that the weather doesn’t stop them, they also talk about it a lot. Moan about it, curse it. And incidentally, it doesn’t matter if it’s dry, wet, windy, hot or cold. It’s never ever right.

We have to admit, we do moan about the weather occasionally, too. On the other hand, when we’re finished moaning we pick up our camera and find inspiration. And contrary to common believe that suggests designers are entirely solar-powered, we do find a lot in the rain, too.